Mick Peter


Mick Peter.
Born in Berlin.
Lives and works in Glasgow (Scotland).



Glasgow School of Art


Glasgow School of Art


Ruskin School of Fine Art, Oxford

Solo Exhibitions


Galerie Fataliste, Part of Capsule Radieuse in collaboration with Les Bains-Douches, Piacé le Radieux, Bézard – Le Corbusier (F)
New version/location in le Kub d'or, Piacé for:
Journées Nationales de l’Architecture, 10-20 October.
Journées européennes du patrimoine, 21-22 September


Six Scenes, Halle au Blé, Alençon with Les Bains-Douches, Alençon (F)


Old Ghosts, Holburne Museum, Bath (GB).


Gerroff! (or User Feedback), Hospitalfield, Arbroath, (GB).


Bonington Vitrines #15: Nomadic Vitrine with Mick Peter, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham, (GB).


To Me, To You, BALTIC, Gateshead (GB).


Breaking News, Deborah Bowmann, Brussels (B).
The Regenerators, Glasgow International Director’s Programme (GB).


Cuts and Tears, Galerie Crèvecoeur, Paris (F).
110%, Workplace, Gateshead (GB).


Those Pesky Kids, Celine, Glasgow (GB).
Pyramid Selling, Drawing Room, London (GB).


Pyramid Selling, Tramway, Glasgow (GB).


Porcine Lout in the Mirror Lounge, Galerie Crèvecoeur, Paris (F).
Popcorn Plaza, (part of Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland), Jupiter Artland, (GB).
Almost Cut My Hair, (part of Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland) Tramway Hidden Gardens, (GB).


Trademark Horizon, curated by It’s Our Playground, SWG, Glasgow (GB)


Lying and Liars, Collective, Edinburgh (GB).


Tao Foam, Grimm, Amsterdam (NL).
Two Nots, Galerie Crèvecoeur, Paris (F).


The Nose: Epilogue, Cell Projects, London, (GB).
Dr Syntax versus the Paperweights, The Changing Room, Stirling (GB).
The Nose, La Salle de bains, Lyon (F).


The Lumber Room, Galerie Crèvecoeur, Paris (GB).
Harmonielehre, Zoo Galerie, Nantes (F).


Harmonielehre, Generator Projects, Dundee (GB).
Galerie de Multiples, Paris (F).
Moldenke Fiddles On, Glasgow Project Room, Glasgow (GB).


Yussopov Park, Fortescue Avenue/Jonathan Viner, London (GB).


Transmission Gallery, Glasgow. (GB).


Galerie Nomadenoase at Fortescue Avenue/Jonathan Viner, London (GB).


They Made Nests Inside Men’s Sunday Hats, GSS Gallery, Glasgow (GB).


Vathek Print Works, Transmission Gallery, Glasgow (GB).


Decerebrator, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh (GB).


New Work Scotland, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh. (GB)

Group Exhibitions


Love on the Dole, Queens Park Railway Club (GB)


The Sound of a Falling Tree, curated by Liam Fallon, Tuesday to Friday, València (ES)
Anthropocène, la Maison des arts de Brunoy, Brunoy (F).
Workshop: Selected Prints from the EP Archive, Edinburgh Printmakers (GB).
Juste au-dessus des Roches Noires, curated by Virginie Barré Musée Villa Montebello, Trouville-sur-Mer (F)


Dark Matter, Workplace, Newcastle (GB)


Alptraum. (10 YEARS OF WANDERING NIGHTMARE), TAM Torrance Art Museum. Torrance, California (USA).
Pangonline, online video project, Les Bains-Douches, Alençon (F). website.
Tele Vistas Gallery, interactive publication and online project, More Than Ponies (GB) website


Alptraum: The Wandering Exhibition, Fine Art Complex 1101, Tempe, Arizona (USA).
Alptraum, LA ESTACION GALLERY, Chihuahua, (MX).
Everything Must Go (Pt 2), Workplace Foundation, Gateshead (GB).
Touching from a Distance, Workplace Foundation at the Conduit, London (GB)


Pasta Utopia, Galerie Papillon, Paris (F).
Voyage au long cours, FRAC Normandie Caen, Caen (F).
Vol au vent, FRAC Normandie Caen/Various venues (F).
TYVM presents Push it / push it again / and again / push it thru, Modern Institute, Glasgow (GB)


COSMOPOLITANISSIMO, Jimmy Hoo, Brussels (B).
Contribution to David Roeder’s Why Do All Our Mantras Start With An ‘I’, 16 Nicholson Street, Glasgow (GB).
From the Author, Good Press Gallery, Glasgow (GB).
Drawing Biennial, Drawing Room, London (GB)


Paris Internationale (F).
Alptraum, RAE space for contemporary art, Berlin (DE).
Corps narratifs, Domaine départemental de Chamarande, Chamarande (F).
Natural Selection, Galerie 5, Angers (F).
Micromegas: Vagabond Flux, Project Space Plus, University of Lincoln, Lincoln (GB)


Alptraum, Visual Voice Gallery, Belgo Building, Montréal (CA).
Telephone Conversation, Maison départementale des Solidarités Espace Pyramide, Athis – Mons (F).
Micromegas: Vagabond Flux, Lille 3 University, France, Maison de la Culture de Tournai (B).
Alptraum, Goa, Salon de Lirio, Fine Art Association, Velim Saclete-Goa (IND)


Puddle, pothole, portal, Sculpture Center, New York (USA).
L’Echo, (a Bruno Peinado project), FRAC des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou (F).
Alptraum, UGM Maribor Art Gallery, museum for modern and contemporary art, Maribor (SI).
Monument, FRAC Basse-Normandie, Caen (F)


British British Polish Polish: Art from Europe's Edges in the Long '90s and Today, Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw (PL).
What Are You Going To Do? Galerie Crèvecoeur, Paris (F).
Pop Hits & Alptraum, artspace Rhein-Main, City of Offenbach (DE).
Everyday, GOMA, Glasgow (GB).
De belles sculptures contemporaines, Hab Galerie, Nantes, (F).
The Universal Addressability of Dumb Things (Curated by Mark Leckey), Hayward Touring: the Bluecoat, Liverpool / Nottingham Contemporary / De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill on Sea, Everyday, GOMA, Glasgow (GB)


le jour d'avant, Domaine départemental de la Garenne Lemot, Gétigné (F).
Easy Living, Less is More Projects, Paris (F).
Entrance, Entrance curated by Isobel Harbison, Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin (IE).
Alptraum, The Nightmare Never Ends, X project space, Berlin (DE).
Alptraum, Green Papaya Art Projects, Quezon City, Philippines (PH).
Who Decides? Stadtgalerie Mannheim (DE).
Curators Egg, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London (GB).
Looping et Boomerang, Les Bains-Douches, Alençon (F).


Les Innommables grotesques, curated by Marie Bechetoille, L MD galerie. Paris (F).
Hypercolon curated by Nathaniel Mellors, SMART Projects, Amsterdam (NL).
Le Vent des forêts, France. (public sculpture commission) (F).
Art in the City, Art Brussels (B).
The British Art Show 7 curated by Lisa Le Feuvre and Tom Morton, Tramway, GOMA & CCA, Glasgow (GB).
The British Art Show 7 curated by Lisa Le Feuvre and Tom Morton, Plymouth Arts Centre, The Slaughterhouse (GB).
The British Art Show 7 curated by Lisa Le Feuvre and Tom Morton, The Hayward Gallery, London (GB).
Keep Floors and Passages Clear, White Columns, New York (USA).
Alptraum, Goethe Institute Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg (SA).
Alptraum, Blank Projects, Cape Town (SA).
Alptraum, The Company, Los Angeles (USA).
Alptraum, Projektraum Deutscher Kunstlerbund e.v. Berlin.
Alptraum, Cell Projects, London (GB)


Alptraum, Transformer, Washington (USA).
Recent British Sculpture, curated by Tom Morton, Grimm, Amsterdam (NL).
The British Art Show 7 curated by Lisa Le Feuvre and Tom Morton, Nottingham Castle Museum & Art Gallery (GB).
Rubble Stir, The Glue Factory, Glasgow (GB).
Monsieur Miroir, curated by Emilie Renard, Prix Ricard, Fondation d’entreprise Ricard (FR).
Fizz Up and Dissolve, Glasgow Project Room (GB)


The Lobby, Cell Projects, London (GB).
Kit Second Edition, Kit, Paris, (F).
Insiders - pratiques, usages, savoir-faire, CAPC, Bordeaux, (F).
Singing Yoghurt, LOG, Bergamo, (IT).
L'Espirit des Lieux, Artistes en Résidence(s), Domaine Départemental de Chamarande, France (F).
Overlap, Galerie Crèvecoeur, Paris (F).
Vérité Tropicale, curated by Jill Gasparina and Caroline Soyez-Petithomme Circuit, Lausanne, (CH).
Salon du dessin contemporain, Paris (F). N’importe Quoi, Museé d’Art Contemporain Lyon, (F)


Kunstwerk Bazaar selected by Andrew Hunt, Outpost, Norwich, (GB).
FIAC, Paris (F)


Freak Show, Museé d’Art Contemporain Lyon (F).
Der Ficker, Fortescue Avenue/Jonathan Viner, London (GB)


1, 2, 3, 4, Workplace Gallery, Gateshead (GB).
Flim Flam, Cell Project Space, London. (GB).
Down With You, Bankley Studios Gallery, Manchester, (GB).
Liste 06, Basel (CH)


Like It Matters, CCA, Glasgow (GB).
Re-Escape, Hamburg with Transmission Gallery (DE).
Open Garden, Fortescue Avenue/Jonathan Viner, London (GB).
The Thinkables, Flaca, London (GB)


The Rings of Saturn, The Changing Room, Stirling (GB).
Frieze Art Fair with Transmission Gallery (GB).
Spacemakers, Lothringer Dreizehn, Munich (DE).
Universal Outstretch, Flaca, London (GB).
The Late Escape, Kaiserpassage, Karlsruhe (DE).
Darling Trees Do You Need Telling? , two person show with Michelle Naismith Switch Space, Glasgow (GB)


Nursery World, Galerie Jennifer Flay, Paris (F).
Special Dedicace, Musée départemental de Rochechouart, Rochechouart (F)


Call For Entry, Market Gallery, Glasgow (GB).
This Way Up (Public art project) Scheming, Edinburgh (GB)


Ways of Doing the Night, two person show with Michelle Naismith, Tramway, Glasgow (GB).
Angel Dust, Intermedia, Glasgow (GB)


New Contemporaries, Milton Keynes Gallery, Cornerhouse Manchester and Inverleith House (GB)



Deborah Bowmann, Ten Years On, 240 pages, Bilingual edition (English/French). Triangle Books, Belgium, ISBN 978-2-930777-57-3.
Six Scenes, Text by Dan Fox, 140pp, Good Press x Les Bains-Douches, English/French. Edition of 300, ISBN: 9781738499304


Art Matters" 2e by Pamela Gordon, Oxford University Press


Vitamin D3: Today's Best in Contemporary Drawing, Phaidon, 304 pp ISBN: 9781838661694 Interview here.
Mick Peter, Sculpture, Aug 20, 2021.
Art Mag - July 2021, Jul 16, 2021.
Mick Peter Interview, Studio international, Jul 12, 2021.
Critics Choice, The Herald Magazine, Jul 03, 2021.
Letter from Arbroath, Art Monthly Magazine, Jul 01, 2021.
Artist Mick Peter on his new work for Hospitalfield, The Scotsman, Jun 03, 2021.
A Man Walks Into a Gallery, Scottish Art News, Feb 22, 2021


Mick Peter for Les Bains-Douches, Alençon, 56 pages, ISBN: 978-2-9552801-7-1 Buy Here


"Mick Peter", Art Review October 2019


Souvenirs of Calton Hill, Collective Matter x Panel, 62 pages, ISBN: 978-1-873653-24-1 .
The Generous Landscape: Ten Years of Jupiter Artland Foundation, Jupiter Artland Foundation, 208 pages, ISBN-10: 0995783012, ISBN-10: 0995783012
The Regenerators, Œ Editions and Glasgow International, 100 Pages, ISBN 978-2-9541369-5-0 distributed by Les presses du réel Buy Here.
Catalogue de la Collection du Frac Normandie Caen, Frac Normadie Caen/Éditions Dilecta, 420 pages, ISBN 978-2-37372-051-8 .
“Bringing The Art Buzz Back to Glasgow”, The National, 21st April 2018 .
Susan Mansfield, Glasgow International Director’s Programme, The Scotsman, 30th April 2018 .
James Glossop, ‘Drawn In’, The Times, 19th April
Phil Miller, ‘Billboard Artwork Opens Glasgow’s International Festival’, The Herald 19th April .
Cover feature, The Herald Arts Magazine, 14th April .


Review of 110%, Paul Carey Kent, Art Monthly, May 17 .
Calendar project with Clément Dirié of JRP Ringier .
Torn Drawings Drawings, The Drawer vol.12, distributed by Les presses du réel and Export Press. ISBN : 978-2-84066-955-55 Buy Here


Torn Drawings Drawings, Burning Sand volume VI, edited by Sarah Lowndes, distributed by Good Press ISSN 2052-5699
BRITISH BRITISH POLISH POLISH: Art from Europe's Edges in the Long '90s and Today. CCA Ujazdowski Castle. 2 books: in Polish and English; each 208 x 270 mm, 428 pages. (ISBN 978-83-61156-59-8).
Bruno Peinado, L'écho / ce qui sépare, Les presses du réel & Frac des Pays de la Loire, 20 x 20 cm, 132 pages, (ISBN : 978-2-906247-78-9).
Oliver Basciano, Mick Peter. The Guardian, 15th January.


Skye Sherwin, Mick Peter. The Guardian, 25th April
Moira Jeffrey, Mick Peter – Pyramid Selling. Four stars. The Scotsman, 23rd May
Laura Campbell, Mick Peter – Pyramid Selling, Deceptive and enigmatic exhibition at Tramway challenges the assumptions of its audience.
Five Stars. The List, 27th April


Puddle, pothole, portal. Edited by Ruba Katrib. Paperback: 110 pages Publisher: Sculpture Center ISBN-10: 0989338924 ISBN-13: 978-0989338929 Buy Here.
Ken Johnson, The Art of Funny: Cartoon Imagery, Often With an Edge, The New York Times, 10th October
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland, National Galleries of Scotland/Glasgow Life,Two vols: 168 & 220 pages
(ISBN: 978-1-906270-72-8 & 978-1-906270-71-1)


Art Review Listings Project, Art Review, Issue 65, no. 8, November
La Salle de bains – Depuis 1999, Lyon, Les Presses du Réel, 416 pages (ISBN: 978-2-918388-02-9)
Susannah Thompson, Mick Peter: Trademark Horizon, Art Review, Issue 69 Summer
Moira Jeffrey, ‘Laura Aldridge, Mick Peter, Niall Macdonald’, Scotland on Sunday, 14th April


Mark Sadler, 'Philip Guston /Mick Peter'. Frieze, Issue 151 November-December
Lying and Liars (essay by Isobel Harbison), Collective Gallery ebook
Second Year, Komplot, Brussels, 320 pages (ISBN 978-2-9601207-0-7)
Rong Rong magazine, vol1. No.1 October 2011. As Is Press, Amsterdam


Recent British Sculpture, Grimm Amsterdam, 120 pages (ISBN 978-90-813137-5-9)
2HB, CCA Glasgow
False Flag no. 2. October
The British Art Show 7, Hayward Gallery Publishing, 192 pages (ISBN-10: 1853322865, ISBN-13: 978-1853322860)


Monsieur Miroir, Prix Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard catalogue.
Map Magazine artists’ commission, MAP, #23 Autumn 2010
Arifa Akbar and Jonathan Brown ‘YBAs: the next generation on show’ & ‘Five to Watch’, The Independent, 26th April
Insiders. CAPC Bordeaux and Lyon Presses du Réel, 160 pages (978-2-84066-383-6)
Caroline Soyez-Petithomme, ‘Mick Peter’. Zero Deux, No.53 Spring
Manon Lefort, ‘Le nez de Mick Peter’. Liberation, 9th March


Collective 1984-2009, Revolver VVV, 160 pages (ISBN 978-3-86895-033-5) Buy Here.
N’Importe Quoi. Museé d’Art Contemporain Lyon & Lyon Presses du Réel. , 112 pages (ISBN: ISBN: 978-2-84066-302-7)
Charles Barachon, ‘Mick Peter, La Beauté du Laid’, Technikart, July/August
Harmonielehre, Generator Projects (ISBN: 978-0-9533294-2-7)


Susan Mansfield , ‘Mick Peter, Harmonielehre’. The Scotsman, 14th November


Freak Show, Musée d’Art Contemporain & Lyon Presses du Réel. 160 pages. (ISBN: 978-2-84066-207-5),


Kate Cowcher, ‘Mick Peter’, Map, Summer
Untitled, publication accompanying solo show at Transmission Gallery
Uncle Chop Chop # 3, published by John Beagles and Graham Ramsay


Tom Morton, ‘Mick Peter: Phygrian Bonnets and Dunces Caps; Dice, Cards and Concrete’, Frieze, Focus piece, November
Beck’s Futures 2006, ICA Exhibitions
Matt Price, ‘Starting Up’, Flash Art, October
David Barrett, ‘Flimflam’, Art Monthly, March


John Calcutt, ‘Made in Glasgow’, Map, Winter
Slimvolume, poster publication edited by Andrew Hunt
Jalouse Magazine (Russia), Feature on drawing, No. 43
Catriona Black, ‘Like It Matters’, Sunday Herald, 25th September
Alexander Kennedy, ‘Like It Matters Review’, The List, September
Frieze Art Fair Yearbook
Armpit of the Mole, Fundacion Trenta Quilometres Per Segon, Spain
Uncle Chop Chop,


Ladies Gents, Switchspace Publication
White Collar # 2


Beagles and Ramsay, Gasworks Galley


October, Red Group
Lili Reynaud, ‘What the Fuck is This?’, Zero Deux, no. 23
Uncle Chop Chop, published by John Beagles and Graham Ramsay


Diplomatic Immunity, Hunter College, NY
Angel Dust, published by John Beagles and Graham Ramsay


Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2000

Critical/Catalogue Writing/Lyrics


Rachel Harrison, Life Hack, Whitney Museum of American Art ISBN 978-0-300-24685-8


Juilen Carreyn, Photographies du soir, Shelter Press ISBN 978-2-365-020-2
Saâdane Afif, Paroles, WIELS & Triangle Books ISBN 978-2-930777-24-5 .
Saâdane Afif, Anas Maghrebi, “Ici” & Pierre Peres, “Là-bas”, Lyric Records LP 008-2018


Saâdane Afif, Mount Moon "The Busker Updated", Lyrics Records LP LR.004-2017
Saâdane Afif, Augustin Maurs, Anna Clementi, Clemens Hungöschel “Vice de forme: Das Kabarett, Lyrics Record LP LR.005-2017
Saâdane Afif, Seal of Quality "L’Éternité", Lyrics Record LP LR.006-2017


Saâdane Afif, Threads: A Fantasmagoria About Distance, Lyrics Records LP


Text for Frieze Masters 4, Artist’s Artists feature
Schnellerangereichert, Schnellerangereichert/Druckerei Sladovsky Wien CD


Text for Saâdane Afif Là-bas/Ici, Spector Books, (ISBN: 978-3-95905-069-2)


Text for Natalie Czech ,Je n'ai rien à dire. Seulement à montrer, Spector Books. (ISBN: 978-3-940064-40-0)
Text for Bruno Peinado monograph published with Casino, Luxemburg. (ISBN 978-2-919893-87-4)


Text for Saadane Afif, Anthologie de l'humour noir*, Centre Pompidou, Paris (ISBN: 9782844264848 (28442648411))


Text for Book A or MEGACOLON or For & Against Language, Onomatopee, Eindhoven. ISBN: 978-90-78454-52-6


Nathaniel Mellors text for M08 Arte e Investigacion Montehermoso
Rebecca Warren text for Petunia no.1, published by Triangle, France.
Vice de Forme. Text for Saadane Afif at Mehdi Chouakri Gallery, Berlin.
Textes. Paris, Éditions Loevenbruck. (ISBN 978-2-916636-03-0) Daniel Dewar and Vincent Giquel catalogue text.


Frieze, Issue 117. September 2008. Smiling Through My Teeth review. p. 4. ISSN 0962 0672
Frieze (online). May 2008. Rodney Graham Band review.
Frieze, Issue 115. May 2008. Alan Michael review. p. 176. ISSN 0962 0672
Last Thing I Need Is The Shakes, Tony Swain text, Köln, Dumont. 67 pages. (ISBN: 978-3-832 9040-8)


Frieze, Issue 111. Nov-Dec 2007. Torsten Lauschmann ‘Focus’ piece. pp. 152-153. ISSN 0962 0672
Frieze, Issue 110. October 2007. Ian Hetherington and Lynn Hynd review. p. 291. ISSN 0962 0672
Untitled, Issue 41. Spring 2007. Lindsay Anderson review. pp. 6-7. ISSN 0969 9716
Untitled, Issue 40. Spring 2007. Lucy McKenzie review. pp. 22-23. ISSN 0969 9716


Lyrics Textes, Paris, Palais de Tokyo. (ISBN: 2-84711-022-4)
Lyrics Samples and Remixes. Les Editions Mouvement. CD
Frieze, Issue 102. October 2006. Tony Swain review. p. 263 ISSN 0962 0672
Frieze, Issue 98. April 2006. Julian Goethe review. p.161 ISSN 0962 0672
Untitled, Issue 37. Spring 2006. Elizabeth Ogilvie review. p. 70. ISSN 0969 9716
C Magazine, Canada. Issue 89. Spring 2006. Lisi Raskin review.p. 45. ISSN 1480 5472


Untitled, Kim Fisher review. Issue 36. Autumn 2006. p. 65. ISSN 0969 9716
One Million BPM: North. Perez/Peter. Semishigure 2005 CD
Frieze, Issue 93. September 2005. Rachel Harrison review. p. 139. ISSN 0962 0672
Frieze, Michael Stumpf review, March
Andrew Mummery, Jonathan Owen show


No-How, commissioned by the Collective Gallery


Interremoteness For Everyday Life, David Sherry publication commissioned by GOMA, Glasgow


Moodle Pozart, Edinburgh, The Fruitmarket. (ISBN 0947912533).Michelle Naismith catalogue essay.



Le Vent des forêts, France.


Domaine Départemental de Chamarande, France

Public Collections

Musée d’Art moderne de Paris (F).
Piacé le Radieux, Bézard – Le Corbusier (F).
Hospitalfield (GB).
Henry Art Gallery, Washington (US).
Arts Council England (GB).
FRAC des Pays de la Loire (F).
CAPC Bordeaux (F)
FDAC de l’Essone (F)
Artothèque de Caen (F)
FRAC Normandie Caen (F).
SONS Museum (B).
Vent des Forêts, Espace rural d’art contemporain (F)



Fluxus Art Projects
Ville d'Alençon
Drac Normandie.
Creative Scotland Open Fund for Individuals


Creative Scotland Open Fund: Sustaining Creative Development


Creative Scotland Open Fund award
Henry Moore Foundation


Creative Scotland Quality Production award
Glasgow Visual Art & Craft Award


Arts Foundation, Runner up award


Scottish Arts Council, Research and Development Bursary


The Elephant Trust


Prix Ricard, Shortlist


Scottish Arts Council, Creative and Professional Development Grant


Glasgow Visual Artists Grants Scheme award


British Council grant

Website by Graphical House